Purchasing your scanner from DTS Digital and Core3dcentres UK
If you purchase a laboratory Scanner from Core3dcentres, you will be provided with “The Fundamentals of Laboratory Scanning and Design” as part of the package at the first installation of the scanner at your laboratory. If you purchase an Intra-oral Scanner from DTS Digital and Core3dcentres, you will be provided with “The Fundamentals of Intra-oral Scanning” as part of the package at the first installation of the scanner at your practice.

Our “Fundamentals” courses can be offered as a Re-fresher course
At Core3dcentres UK we understand that businesses grow, staff come and go and if you are not using something every day you forget things and get out of practice. Therefore, we offer a re-fresher course on “The Fundamentals of Laboratory Scanning and Design” and “The Fundamentals of Intra-oral Scanning.” The course can either be delivered at our facilities or at your own. As these courses are arranged to suit your needs and requirements, please contact us to discuss and to ensure we arrange the right course for you.